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IC Cesme Marina leads the way in promoting the future of marine tourism in Turkey

Can Akaltan CMM, General Manager of Camper & Nicholsons IC Cesme Marina in Turkey was invited to attend a panel of industry leaders organised by Yasar University in Izmir.

Can was asked to speak about the current growth in marine tourism in the region, also presenting on the panel were Chamber of Shipping İzmir, Aziz Gungor and the General Secretary to Marine Tourism Association, İzzet Ugurlu.


The panel discussed trends, innovations and future patterns of tourism that Cesme Marina and the wider region is currently experiencing and Can specifically discussed initiatives that could further increase the development of yachting and marine tourism both locally and internationally.

Topics covered by the panel ranged from the rise of autonomous yachts, the growth in the sharing economy, developments in electric vessels, and the challenges presented to the environment by micro plastics and rising sea water levels.  As Cesme Marina received the Jack Nichol Marina Design award the panel were particularly interested in how these issues affected the future of marina design and Can explained how future environmental factors played an integral part in the design of all Camper & Nicholsons Marinas. Cesme Marina has been further recognised for helping the environment, including the growing and production of award-winning olive oil from its trees and encouraging the spawn of squid and mussels to promote water purification within Cesme Marina.

An important feature of Cesme Marinas design was to ensure that it seamlessly integrated with both the waterfront shops and restaurants around the marina but also with the traditional historical maritime of Cesme. Can says “a marina isolated and on its own brings little benefit to the local community, but integrating it into the existing amenities of the town makes it more interesting and beneficial for everyone”

Can Akaltan commented, “I have been delighted to be a part of today’s panel and thank Yasar University for the kind invitation to be involved. It has been a pleasure to discuss such a wide range of topical and engaging subjects as I firmly believe that everyone in the marine industry needs to work together to help grow marine tourism, sharing best practice will benefit everyone by helping to strengthen this exciting industry!”

To book a berth at Cesme Marina, click here.
