November marks the start of the ARC Season with 250 yachts in Las Palmas, soon to travel across the Atlantic Sea to the Caribbean.
The first wave of 96 yachts depart for the ARC+ on 5th November, bound for Cape Verde and then Port Louis Marina, Grenada.

ARC+ rally participants are ensured of a warm welcome in the Caribbean, every landfall celebrated by the World Cruising Yellow Shirt team and fellow rally participants.
Camper & Nicholson’s Port Louis Marina in St George’s, Grenada is the final destination for ARC+. Arrivals enjoy a programme of activities that culminate in a prize giving ceremony for each rally, recognising the achievements of the fastest in each division and class, of seamanship and of the spirit of the rally.
For some, the ARC+ is the gateway to a grander adventure, sailing around the world with WorldARC, others look forward to a winter of Caribbean racing and cruising before returning across the Atlantic with ARC Europe.

- Entries: 96 boats – 69 monohulls and 27 multihulls.
- Crews: 455 people aged from 8 months to 87 years.
- Children: 45 children aged under 16 years on board 20 boats.
- Nationalities: 24 countries are represented in the fleet, with roughly 30% from the UK.
- Smallest yacht: First 31.7 Freebooter (FRA) at 9.85m(31.7’). Approximately 10% of the fleet is under 12m.
- Largest yacht: Amel 60 MRS G. (DEU) is 20.05m (60’) and is sailed double-handed.
Just over 15% of the fleet have sailed with World Cruising Club in previous rallies. Four yachts will continue cruising with World ARC, starting in January 2024.

To find out more, and berth at Port Louis Marina this seas, click here.